Early Photograph of Delano Grist Mill Foundation (built in 1767)

c1900 Frank Messer's Mill, predecessor to Chase's Mill
Messer's sawmill produced lumber, shingles, dowels, and other wood products.

c1905 Mill Pond Dam
Frank Messer's dam prior to being faced with concrete. Waste gate is open here, letting water out of the mill pond.

1914 - Dismantling of the Messer Mill
Hartley Dennett bought the ruins of the Messer Mill in 1912, in anticipation of building a new and smaller mill. He salvaged many large beams and other parts, and used them in the new one.

1917 - Mill Hollow neighborhood looking Northwest
Buildings from left to right: Blacksmith Shop, Banks' Barn, Mill, Brick House, Raymond House, Sheep Barn

1917 Mill Hollow with cow barn and mill beyond
Note clear pasturage on the hill.

1917 Mill Hollow Neighborhood.
The mill has windows now. Utility poles were for telephone only at this point, and the blacksmith shop (at left) was operating.

Early 1920's photograph of the mill.

1919 concrete added to the dam
Here the forms are in place for the new concrete facing of the old stone dam. Boys pictured are (L-R): Nate Rawson and Robert "Bub" Bakeman Jr.

1920s Southwest view of the dam.
This is the view towards the southwest across the dam, newly faced with concrete. Note the stone walls in the distance.

1920s - Firewood saw
This saw was made available to the local community for cutting logs to firewood length.

A threshing machine was installed upstairs. The thresher was available for free community use. The grain for 17 local families was threshed here in 1918,

1920's firewood saw (note the drive belt)

firewood saw in use

This photograph of the mill was taken from the haymow in the cow barn across the street. A sheep barn stands beyond, and beyond it is the end of the very long barn at the Warren House.

Sometime before 1926

pile of sawn firewood at the mill, with housing for saw out front

Mill before 1926

Early scene of the mill
The mill had wooden shingles on the roof and exterior walls. Note that the firewood saw has been removed.

A flood at mill hollow c1950?
Taken from the cow barn hayloft.

meg buchanan weaving upstairs at the mill
Meg started weaving at this time and did it for a living for the remainder of her life.

1954 - the mill

mill workshop

1950s - heman chase using water powered planer
Photograph by Mary Bartlett Root

1950s - heman chase planing by hand

1950s - three water-powered machines
Machines (from left to right): jointer (at the far left), tablesaw, and planer. Someone has recently planed a lot of lumber -- note the large pile of shavings.

Heman and Edith Chase in front of the mill
Note the dragon weathervane.

1970s - Heman's Ford Bronco truck in front of the mill
Photo courtesy of Tafi Brown

1970's - The Mill
Photo courtesy of Tafi Brown

1970's mill view
Photo courtesy of Tafi Brown

1985 Chase's Mill and mill pond


1988 Mill Turbine
This upgraded 20" turbine waterwheel turns the shaft with the force of the falling water.

2009 - The mill and dam
Photograph courtesy of Tafi Brown

2009 Mill Foundation repair work
Photo courtesy of Kate Tarlow Morgan

2009 Mill Foundation Repair Work
Photo courtesy of Kate Tarlow Morgan

2015 - Roof repairs begun
The three dormers were removed and a rubber membrane installed over the roof, preventing most further deterioration until proper repairs could be made.