With: Lark Leonard
Class Fee: $30, or $35 per adult/child pair
Materials Fee: $2.50
Class Size: 12 max / Appropriate for children 8+ with accompanying adult
This year, we will explore the experience of straw plaits as we add in straws - starting with the 2 Plait and working through to the 6 Plait. We won't focus on making ornaments but rather the quite magical differences between the plaits - the way in which they form and the way that each plait has a distinctive feel as it is being made. Each student will have their sampler of plaits they have made to take home - hopefully, to encourage them to continue on their own! No experience necessary.
Lark Leonard has been plaiting straw ornaments now for over 40 years, and deepy loves the craft. She learned from Shelley Osborne, then of Walpole, NH, and from Marilyn Stearns of Springfield, VT. She also discovered a great deal on her own. A member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, Lark also works with birchbark, rush-seating, and hand-caning.