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Chase's Mill Celebration Concert

With: Kathy Torry, Randy Miller, Andy Davis, and Laurie Indenbaum

Class Fee: By donation/ registration requested

Class Size: All are invited

Chase's Mill invites you to the shores of Lake Warren for an outdoor concert to kick off the 2022 season of Celebrating Water! Kathy, Randy, Andy, and Laurie will be playing songs and tunes of milling and water, as a benefit fundraiser for the Mill. This event will happen come rain or shine, so bring an outdoor chair or a blanket, snacks and perhaps an umbrella, and join friends and neighbors in celebration.

The concert will be at the old Dennett Beach, on the shores of Lake Warren across from the public landing.

All of the contributing musicians have been actively involved in the local music and dance community which grew up in the 1970s. Randy Miller has played fiddle and piano locally and nationally for more than 50 years. He and his friend and former wife Kathy Torrey have organized and played for many local dances and musical events during their 40 years in Alstead. Kathy has called dances and used music in her career teaching young children. Andy Davis has recently retired from a lifetime of teaching music in the public schools and has been a community dance organizer and musician/caller in the Brattleboro area and beyond. He now has time to play music “for fun!” with friends, including Laurie Indenbaum. Laurie lives in Athens, Vermont, and has been sharing her musical talents in many ways over the years. Mill Hollow and the dances and musical events at the mill, East Alstead and Acworth, and the Orchard School have fostered a multi generational sense of community.

Later Event: June 18
Sharpening Garden Tools